Study: The ‘gateway drug’ is alcohol, not marijuana

“A study in the August edition of The Journal of School Health finds that the generations old theory of a “gateway drug” effect is in fact accurate for some drug users, but shifts the blame for those addicts’ escalating substance abuse away from marijuana and onto the most pervasive and socially accepted drug in American life: alcohol.”

A man drinks liquor straight from a bottle. Photo:, all rights reserved.


“Using a nationally representative sample from the University of Michigan’s annual Monitoring the Future survey, the study blasts holes in drug war orthodoxy wide enough to drive a truck through, definitively proving that marijuana use is not the primary indicator of whether a person will move on to more dangerous substances.”

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2 thoughts on “Study: The ‘gateway drug’ is alcohol, not marijuana

  1. Hemp’s illegality has nothing to do with illicit drug use. “Marijuana,” Cannabis/Hemp was a widely useful plant, grown commercially for hundreds of years in America. It was forced into illegality once mechanized equipment was developed making hemp competitive with petroleum to make fuel and plastics, competitive with wood to make building materials and paper, and competitive with manufactured drugs for relieving the symptoms of many illnesses as well as being a powerful preventative of many illnesses. That is the reason it was made illegal in the first place and why it is still illegal today. Period.

  2. Hemp’s illegality has nothing to do with illicit drug use. It never has. “Marijuana,” Cannabis/Hemp was a widely useful plant, grown commercially for hundreds of years in America. It was forced into illegality once mechanized equipment was developed in 1937, making hemp competitive with petroleum in making fuel and plastics, competitive with wood in making building materials and paper, competitive with cotton for fibers and cloth, and competitive with pharmaceuticals for relieving the symptoms of many illnesses as well as being a powerful preventative of many illnesses. That is the reason it was made illegal in the first place and why it is still illegal today. Period. All the claims about being a gateway drug is simply one of a series of lies used in a failed attempt to demonize one of the most important agricultural plants used globally for over 10,000 years.

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