Cannabinoid type 1 receptor antagonists (rimonabant) for smoking cessation.


Rimonabant is a selective type 1 cannabinoid (CB1) receptor antagonist. It may assist with smoking cessation by restoring the balance of the endocannabinoid system, which can be disrupted by prolonged use of nicotine. Rimonabant also seeks to address many smokers’ reluctance to persist with a quit attempt because of concerns about weight gain.”


To determine whether selective CB1 receptor antagonists increase the numbers of people stopping smoking. To assess their effects on weight change in successful quitters and in those who try to quit but fail.”


From the preliminary trial reports available, rimonabant 20 mg may increase the odds of quitting approximately 1(1/2)-fold. Adverse events include nausea and upper respiratory tract infections; the risk of serious adverse events is reported to be low. However, there is current concern (August 2007) over rates of depression and suicidal thoughts in people taking rimonabant for weight control. The evidence for rimonabant in maintaining abstinence is inconclusive. Rimonabant 20 mg may moderate weight gain in the long term.”

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