Extremely low doses of THC protect the brain from long-term cognitive damage

Conditioning the brain. Extremely low doses of marijuana’s psychoactive component protect brain before and after injury, says Tel Aviv University researcher.

While performing experiments on the biology of cannabis, Prof. Sarne and his fellow researchers discovered that low doses of the drug had a big impact on cell signalling, preventing cell death and promoting growth factors. This finding led to a series of experiments designed to test the neuroprotective ability of THC in response to various brain injuries.

In the lab, the researchers injected mice with a single low dose of THC either before or after exposing them to brain trauma. A control group of mice sustained brain injury but did not receive the THC treatment. When the mice were examined 3 to 7 weeks after initial injury, recipients of the THC treatment performed better in behavioral tests measuring learning and memory. Additionally, biochemical studies showed heightened amounts of neuroprotective chemicals in the treatment group compared to the control group.”

More: http://www.news-medical.net/news/20130531/Extremely-low-doses-of-THC-protect-the-brain-from-long-term-cognitive-damage.aspx

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