Cannabinoid HU210 Protects Isolated Rat Stomach against Impairment Caused by Serum of Rats with Experimental Acute Pancreatitis

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“Acute pancreatitis (AP), especially severe AP, is a potentially lethal inflammatory disease of pancreas which often leads to extra-pancreatic complications, even multiple systemic organ dysfunctions. It has been reported that 52% of patients with acute pancreatitis develop acute gastrointestinal mucosal lesion (AGML) or stress ulcer.

For centuries, Cannabis plant and its extracts have been used to alleviate symptoms of gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases.

It has been established that D9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the major psychoactive component of Cannabis, exerts its primary cellular actions though two G protein-coupled receptors, cannabinoid 1 (CB1) and cannabinoid 2 (CB2) receptors.

Since then, these two receptors have been recognized as the major regulators of physiological and pathological processes. Cannabinoids can reduce gastrointestinal secretion, and the activation of CB1 receptor exhibits protective role against stress-induced AGML, but the mechanisms of their action remain elusive.

The results from this study prove that the inflammatory responses and the imbalance of the gastric secretion during the development of AP are responsible for the pathogenesis of AGML, and suggest the therapeutic potential of HU210 for AGML associated with acute pancreatitis.

Therefore, our experimental results suggest a novel mechanism in the onset of AGML and new therapeutic values of cannabinoids as supplement of anti-inflammatory therapy in acute pancreatitis.”

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