CBG, CBD, Δ9-THC, CBN, CBGA, CBDA and Δ9-THCA as antioxidant agents and their intervention abilities in antioxidant action

Fitoterapia“Positive effect of some cannabinoids in the treatment and prophylaxis of a wide variety of oxidation-associated diseases and growing popularity of supplements containing cannabinoids, mainly cannabinoid oils (e.g. CBD oil, CBG oil), in the self-medication of humans cause a growing interest in the antioxidant properties of these compounds, especially those not showing psychotropic effects.

Herein, we report the antioxidant activity of cannabigerol (CBG), cannabidiol (CBD), Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), cannabinol (CBN), cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), cannabinolic acid (CBDA) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (Δ9-THCA) estimated by spectrophotometric methods: ABTS, DPPH, ORAC, beta-carotene CUPRAC and FRAP.

The presented data prove that all the examined cannabinoids exhibit antioxidant activity manifested in their ability to scavenge free radicals, to prevent the oxidation process and to reduce metal ions. Although the intensity of these activities is not the same for the individual cannabinoids it is comparable for all of them with that of E vitamin.”


“The present paper discusses the antioxidant properties of CBG, CBN, CBDA, CBGA and Δ9-THCA which, beside CBD and Δ9-THC, are also supposed to be bioactive compounds useful in the therapeutic treatment of different diseases. According to the literature, CBD and Δ9-THC exhibit strong antioxidant activity, stronger than vitamins C, A and E.

The presented data prove that all the examined cannabinoids – CBG, CBD, Δ9-THC, CBN, CBGA CBDA and Δ9-THCA – exhibit antioxidant activity manifesting itself in their ability to scavenge free radicals, to protect oxidation process and to reduce metal ions. Although, the intensity of these activities for individual cannabinoids is not the same, it is generally comparable to that of E vitamin.”  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0367326X21000903?via%3Dihub