Cannabidiol reverses memory impairments and activates components of the Akt/GSK3β pathway in an experimental model of estrogen depletion

Behavioural Brain Research“Clinical and preclinical evidence has indicated that estrogen depletion leads to memory impairments and increases the susceptibility to neural damage.

Here, we have sought to investigate the effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) a non-psychotomimetic compound from Cannabis sativa, on memory deficits induced by estrogen depletion in rats, and its underlying mechanisms.

Results revealed that ovariectomy impaired avoidance memory, and CBD was able to completely reverse estrogen depletion-induced memory impairment. Ovariectomy also reduced Akt/GSK3β pathway’s activation by decreasing the phosphorylation levels of Akt and GSK3β and Bcl2 levels, which were ameliorated by CBD.

The present results indicate that CBD leads to a functional recovery accompanied by the Akt/GSK3β survival pathway’s activation, supporting its potential as a treatment for estrogen decline-induced deterioration of neural functioning and maintenance.”

“In the present study, we aimed to understand the possible neuroprotective effect of CBD against estrogen depletion-induced emotional memory deficits, using an animal model of ovariectomy-induced estrogen depletion. Once CBD and estradiol modulate a common pathway, we speculated whether CBD would be able to reverse the deleterious effect of estradiol decline observed in menopause. Results revealed that ovariectomy impaired avoidance memory, and CBD was able to completely reverse estrogen depletion-induced memory impairment.”