A molecular basis of the therapeutic and psychoactive properties of cannabis (delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol).


“All of the therapeutic properties of marihuana (analgesic, antiemetic, appetite stimulant, antiglaucoma) have been duplicated by the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) molecule or its synthetic derivatives. Today, the molecular mechanisms of action of these compounds have led to a general understanding of the pharmacological effects of marihuana and of its therapeutic properties. These mechanisms involve the specific binding of THC to the 7-transmembrane (7TM) domain G protein-linked receptor, a molecular switch which regulates signal transduction in the cell membrane. The natural ligand of the 7TM receptor is an eicosanoid, arachidonylethanolamide (AEA), generated in the membrane and derived from arachidonic acid. THC acts as a substitute ligand to the 7TM receptor site of AEA. THC would deregulate the physiological function of the 7TM receptor and of its ligand AEA. As a result, the therapeutic effects of the drug may not be separated from its adverse psychoactive and cardiovascular effects. The binding of THC to the 7TM receptor site of AEA induces allosteric changes in the receptor sites of neurotransmitter and opiates resulting in variable interactions and pharmacological responses. The pharmacokinetics of THC with its prolonged storage in fat and its slow release result in variable and delayed pharmacological response, which precludes precise dosing to achieve timely therapeutic effects. The experimental use of THC and of its synthetic analogues, agonists, and antagonists has provided novel information in the nature of molecular signaling in the cell membrane. As a result, the relationships between allosteric receptor responsiveness, molecular configuration of proteins, and physiological regulation of cellular and organ function may be further investigated.”


Potential therapeutic agents derived from the cannabinoid nucleus.


“Drugs derived from Cannabis sativa (Cannabinceae) were used until the 1940’s for their stimulant and depressant effects for treating somatic and psychiatric illnesses. Renewed interest in marihuana research began in the 1970’s and again pointed to the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids. Safer and more useful therapeutic agents may be generated from cannabinoids similarly to morphine, lysergic acid diethylamide, and cocaine which have structurally related analgesics, oxytoxics, and local anesthetics respectively. It has been shown that the C-ring in cannabinoids can be substituted with a variety of nitrogen and sulfur-containing rings without loss of CNS (central nervous system) activity. Cannabinoids have been shown to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, intensify pressor effects of endogenous amines like norepinephrine, and enhance the stimulant effects of amphetamine. Cannabinoids’ therapeutic potential lies in the areas of analgesics and anticonvulsants, and for use as a sedative-hypnotic, an antiglaucoma agent, an antiasthmatic agent, an antidiarrheal agent, and possibly as an anticancer and immunosuppressant agent.”
