The Effect of Muscarinic Receptor Modulators on the Antinociception Induced by CB2 Receptor Agonist, JWH133 in Mice.

“There is no published study regarding the interaction between muscarinic receptor modulators and antinociception induced by cannabinoidreceptor (CB2) agonist. The effect of pilocarpine (a muscarinic agonist) and atropine (a muscarinic antagonist) on JWH-133 (a CB2 agonist) induced analgesia in mice was studied. First the analgesic effect of JWH-133 (0.001-1 mg/Kg) or pilocarpine (2.5-20 mg/kg) or atropine (0.2-5 mg/kg) was evaluated. Subsequently, the effect of co-administration of pilocarpine (2.5 mg/kg) or atropine (5 mg/kg) and JWH-133 (0.001-1 mg/Kg) were studied too. JWH-133 and pilocarpine provoked antinociception in mice but atropine did not. Pilocarpine potentiated the analgesic effect of JWH-133 but atropine antagonized that. It can be concluded that JWH-133 induced antinociception is affected by muscarinic receptor modulators in mice.”

Characterization of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and anandamide antinociception in nonarthritic and arthritic rats.

“The hypothesis was tested that THC and anandamide elicit antinociception in the paw pressure test, and that arthritic rats would exhibit a different response.

THC and anandamide appear to release an as yet unknown endogenous opioid, because naloxone significantly blocked their effects.

This study indicates that anandamide and THC may act at different receptor sites to modulate endogenous opioid levels in mechanical nociception.”

Cannabinoid Modulation of Cutaneous Aδ Nociceptors During Inflammation

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“Previous studies have demonstrated that locally administered cannabinoids attenuate allodynia and hyperalgesia through activation of peripheral cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2).

These results suggest that attenuation of mechanically evoked responses of Aδ nociceptors contributes to the behavioral antinociception produced by activation of peripheral CB1 receptors during inflammation.

Several studies have demonstrated that locally administered cannabinoids produce antinociception in animal models of both acute and persistent pain through peripheral mechanisms.

Taken together, our data suggest that peripherally acting cannabinoids could be a potential therapeutic treatment for chronic inflammatory pain.”


Effect of myrcene on nociception in mice.

“Myrcene, a monoterpene… The results suggest that myrcene is capable of inducing antinociception in mice, probably mediated by alpha 2-adrenoceptor stimulated release of endogenous opioids.”

“Myrcene as a natural base chemical in sustainable chemistry: a critical review.”

“Single dose toxicity study of beta-myrcene, a natural analgesic substance.”

“Myrcene mimics the peripheral analgesic activity of lemongrass tea.  Terpenes such as myrcenemay constitute a lead for the development of new peripheral analgesics with a profile of action different from that of the aspirin-like drugs.”

“Three different medicinal cannabis varieties were investigated Bedrocan, Bedrobinol and Bediol. The top five major compounds in Bedrocan extracts were Delta(9)-THC, cannabigerol (CBG), terpinolene, myrcene, and cis-ocimene in Bedrobinol Delta(9)-THC, myrcene, CBG, cannabichromene (CBC), and camphene in Bediol cannabidiol (CBD), Delta(9)-THC, myrcene, CBC, and CBG. The major components in Bedrocan smoke were Delta(9)-THC, cannabinol (CBN), terpinolene, CBG, myrcene and cis-ocimene in Bedrobinol Delta(9)-THC, CBN and myrcene in Bediol CBD, Delta(9)-THC, CBN, myrcene, CBC and terpinolene. The major components in Bedrocan vapor were Delta(9)-THC, terpinolene, myrcene, CBG, cis-ocimene and CBD in Bedrobinol Delta(9)-THC, myrcene and CBD in Bediol CBD, Delta(9)-THC, myrcene, CBC and terpinolene. ”

Neuropeptide VF Enhances Cannabinoid Agonist WIN55,212-2-Induced Antinociception in Mice.

“Cannabinoids produce analgesia in several pain models, but the undesirable side effects from high doses of cannabinoid drugs limit their clinic use.

Our recent results indicate that cannabinoid-induced antinociception was enhanced by neuropeptide VF (NPVF).

Here, we investigate whether low-dose cannabinoid agonists combined with NPVF can produce effective antinociception with limited side effects…

These data suggest that the cannabinoid agonist combined with NPVF produces effective antinociception-lacking tolerance via both cannabinoid receptor type 1 and neuropeptide FF receptors in the brain.”

Full FAAH inhibition combined with partial monoacylglycerol lipase inhibition: Augmented and sustained antinociceptive effects with negligible cannabimimetic side effects in mice.

“Inhibition of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) or monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL), the primary hydrolytic enzymes for the respective endocannabinoids, N-arachidonoylethanolamine (AEA) and 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG), produces antinociception, but with minimal cannabimimetic side effects.

Although selective inhibitors of either enzyme often show partial efficacy in various nociceptive models, their combined blockade elicits augmented antinociceptive effects, but side effects emerge. Moreover, complete and prolonged MAGL blockade leads to CB1 receptor functional tolerance, which represents another challenge in this potential therapeutic strategy.

Therefore, the present study tested whether full FAAH inhibition, combined with partial MAGL inhibition, would produce sustained antinociceptive effects with minimal cannabimimetic side effects…

Thus, full FAAH inhibition combined with partial MAGL inhibition reduces neuropathic and inflammatory pain states, with minimal cannabimimetic effects.”

Acute Resistance Exercise Induces Antinociception by Activation of the Endocannabinoid System in Rats.

“Resistance exercise (RE) is also known as strength training, and it is performed to increase the strength and mass of muscles, bone strength, and metabolism. RE has been increasingly prescribed for pain relief. However, the endogenous mechanisms underlying this antinociceptive effect are still largely unexplored. Thus, we investigated the involvement of the endocannabinoid system in RE-induced antinociception…

The present study suggests that a single session of RE activates the endocannabinoid system to induce antinociception.”

Role of ionotropic cannabinoid receptors in peripheral antinociception and antihyperalgesia

Figure 1

“Although cannabinoids have been used for millennia for treating pain and other symptoms, their mechanisms of action remain obscure.

With the heralded identification of multiple G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) mediating cannabinoid effects nearly two decades ago, the mystery of cannabinoid pharmacology was thought to be solved…

Despite the wealth of information on cannabinoid-induced peripheral antihyperalgesic and antinociceptive effects in many pain models, the molecular mechanism(s) for these actions remains unknown.

Although metabotropic cannabinoid receptors have important roles in many pharmacological actions of cannabinoids, recent studies have led to the recognition of a family of at least five ionotropic cannabinoid receptors (ICRs). The known ICRs are members of the family of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels and include TRPV1, TRPV2, TRPV4, TRPM8 and TRPA1.

Cannabinoid activation of ICRs can result in desensitization of the TRPA1 and TRPV1 channel activities, inhibition of nociceptors and antihyperalgesia and antinociception in certain pain models.

Thus, cannabinoids activate both metabotropic and ionotropic mechanisms to produce peripheral analgesic effects.”

Analgesic effects of 1′,1′ dimethylheptyl-delta8-THC-11-oic acid (CT3) in mice.

“The metabolic pathway leading to carboxylic acid derivatives of cannabinoids was discovered more than twenty years ago. While these compounds showed no cannabimimetic activity, subsequent work documented several biological responses both in vitro and in vivo for the THC acids.


These include inhibition of eicosanoid synthesis, antiedema effects, antagonism to PAF actions, inhibition of leucocyte adhesion and anti nociception.

In this report we present data further characterizing the analgesic properties of the title substance which is a potent synthetic member of this group. CT3 was effective in the mouse…”

CB2 cannabinoid receptor mediation of antinociception.

“Management of acute pain remains a significant clinical problem. In preclinical studies, CB2 cannabinoid receptor-selective agonists inhibit nociception without producing central nervous system side effects.

The experiments reported here further test the hypothesis that CB2 receptor activation inhibits nociception…

The CB2 receptor-selective agonist produces antinociceptive… activation of CB2 receptors results in antinociception…

…confirm the potential therapeutic relevance of CB2 cannabinoid receptors for the treatment of acute pain.”